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[22 Feb 2018|09:01am]
Should we talk about this? For what it's worth, I don't believe he would have found anything in that room with our names on it. I could be wrong, but that would make me a terrible secretary, so let's hope that I'm not. I don't think there's any reason to out ourselves to the general public, but if you haven't already gone to the po

H Can Hello.
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[22 Feb 2018|11:36am]
Since the police seem to be incapable of doing their job, it's fallen on our shoulders. Here's what we know

On the night he died, Hunter was on the phone with one Lucille Banks, trying to convince her to meet him. He left the party at 11 and his whereabouts for the next few hours are unknown. A lookalike Prius left at 1 and was seen around Terry Park. Hunter himself arrived around 2:15, with a fight and his death occurring twenty minutes later. The Prius returns at 4. At some point, Hunter’s ID and the Prius's keys were dropped by Alpine.

Most of this isn't new. However, I have the names of three students who were also at Terry Park that night. I’ll protect your identities, for now, but it's in your best interest to share what you know.

Also Tri-Alpha, I found your base and I have names. And sketches by Hunter; he was working on a basketball stadium, meaning he was likely the one pushing for the girls field hockey team to be cut.

So. Your turn. What did you see? What do you know?
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