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😍 [15 Feb 2018|01:05am]
Happy Valentine's, Milton! Even if you hate the hearts and flowers, I hope you all have a great day today!

And fear not those of you lacking a sweetheart this Valentine's Day, there is still an opportunity to catch a match! This Saturday there will be a speed dating event held at the Student Center with all proceeds going to a really good charitable cause. So you not only have a chance to meet your true love but you can also help people in need! Win-win all around I say.

More information will be posted shortly, keep your eyes open and start polishing your charming smile! 💖 😍
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[15 Feb 2018|09:08am]
Okay, so it seems to be cool to hate on Valentine's Day and I get it, caring is lame, public displays of affection and grand gestures are tacky, whatever. But I for one really like it! It can be a little rough when you're single, sure, but I think it's really sweet to have a day dedicated to telling the people you love that you care about them. I know it's something we could do anytime, and the argument is that if you cared, you would show it regularly, but what's wrong with having a day where you can get away with doing a little bit extra? Because sometimes people do get complacent and forget to show their appreciation for someone.

And while way too many people have been complaining about Valentine's decorations, they're basically limited to a small section of stores. It's not that big of a deal, especially compared to other holidays. You'll live. And they're selling chocolate anyway, and who doesn't like chocolate? It's a great excuse to buy loads of chocolate for yourself without judgment because people will think you're giving them as gifts.

Sasi, Anjali, Allegra, Amata
Sooooooo Sal and Bae set me up on a blind date. With Axel.

I had fun the other day. And I enjoyed meeting Axel On A Date.

Dance Club
I have chocolates for all of you!
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[15 Feb 2018|07:56pm]
Happy day after Valentine's Day and happy candy day for those looking more forward to that

The weather is getting nicer. Not nice, but it's better than before. It's nice to be able to leave and not be miserable right away.

Where would everyone want to travel to the most? I've been thinking about it on mental breaks during studying. I think mine would be Crete. It would be interesting to see if I could feel or remember anything else if I was where all of this started.
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[15 Feb 2018|08:53pm]
Soooo we survived Valentine's Day 2014. I admittedly had a lot of fun thanks to Axel's Palentine's party. That and being single, which means I could make out with however many girls I wanted, ha. But man, I've had some bad ones in the past. Last year I started dating this girl at the end of January, and she flipped when I didn't go all out on Valentine's day. I was just like bitch, I have only known you for like three weeks, chill, but nope, she wanted the whole Hollywood romance thing. And there was that time in high school when this jackass kept badgering me to try to get me to "be his valentine" or some shit and he refused to believe that I am gay as fuck.

Share with me your vday horror stories. Let's commiserate together!

Or, I guess you can share you best Valentine's Day ever but it better be a damn good story.
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