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[10 Feb 2018|10:49am]
My sister thought it would be cute to send me an obscene amount of chocolate, with a note saying that this is the first box of two. I am honestly impressed that she could even lift the box. I'm not entirely sure why people keep trying to feed me sweets, but I don't want them. If anyone wants some pre-Valentine's chocolate, you may come claim it. There are even a few heart shaped chocolate boxes that you can pretend you bought yourself when you regift it to your significant other.

And before anyone asks, no, I am not a fan of chocolate. Yes, I am well aware that it is weird. We all have something that everyone else enjoys that we don't.

In other news, I am incredibly grateful that I am not going to be dragged into speed dating.

The reason why she sent it early is because she made mint brownies because, and I quote, "you're too much of a shit to do something for your boyfriend even though he's too good for you. Give him these from me so at least he gets a Valentine's gift from one of the Porters." I suspect sometimes that she likes you more.
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[10 Feb 2018|01:45pm]
Anyone else sparing time to watch the Olympics while/instead of studying? I'd be watching more if I didn't have to sit through six different Meet The Olympian and Their Sob Story to actually see some of the competition. Who decided that was a good idea? 'Cause they were wrong


I got some more info/ It goes well with what you got in the video, but now we got a time when Hunter arrived at the park and when the fight started
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