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[07 Feb 2018|12:20am]
I'll bite. I figured I'd posit this question to the general Milton populace, but this one's for all you multitaskers: what's the best way to stay focused when you got a bunch of things on your plate? Getting off these blogs is one thing, but there's a diff between doing just that versus getting off the blogs and not getting distracted by the next shiny thing.

If only this paper would just write itself.

I'm glad the ruling got overturned. Also, fuck the police.

Hey. What're your plans next week?
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007; [07 Feb 2018|09:36am]
Nothing says fun like studying for midterms AND the MCAT.

But I could make time to go to fifty cent wing night?

Are you going to bail?
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#free [07 Feb 2018|12:03pm]
I can't even begin to properly express my feelings right now. To be able to walk out of that court yesterday (charged only with the one thing I was guilty of) is such a massive relief. Thank you to everyone who supported me and believed in my innocence.

My family is heading back to California now and I'll be returning to Alpine. My father has a lot of work to do to restore his business, but the upside of this whole event is that I finally told them exactly who I was. Took some wrapping their heads around it, but after I demonstrated by healing a cut on my grandmother's hand, they couldn't deny it. Also I shall potentially be making some course changes so watch this space.

I'm also planning a celebration of the outcome this coming weekend. So join me at Club Eureka on Saturday night.

Private to Mo and Pri )

Private to Diego )

Private to Fritz )

Private to Tri-Alpha )
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[07 Feb 2018|08:36pm]
I think my cat has a boyfriend. There was another cat waiting outside my window two weeks ago, and I assumed he was there for me. Apparently, though, I need to watch my ego because he barely paid me any attention. He's been back maybe six times since, and Scout is always happy to see him. It's actually kind of sweet.

And that got me thinking, would people be interested in a sort of cat cafe? The rent a dog event got quite a few dogs adopted, and I was considering asking if we could do a similar (albeit indoor) event for cats. Maybe during finals because the best way to de-stress is to chill with some animals.

So. Valentine's day is coming up. Do you want to do something? It's absolutely fine if you don't, but I figured I would check in.

So are we having a party to celebrate Rosalind and Ada finally turning 21? I am very much looking forward to no longer having to sneak the two of you drinks.
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011. [07 Feb 2018|08:42pm]
Whenever I'm feeling down, I remember this song came in second place at Eurovision. And this song won. Anything is possible, kids. Stay in school.

In other Eurovision news, Austria has picked a drag queen to represent them this year and we're going to win and it's going to be awesome.
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[07 Feb 2018|09:47pm]
you know that person who should be studying for their midterms but absolutely isn’t and is just watching boxsets

it might be me

On a further note how do I own this many boxsets? I DONT EVEN LIKE FRIENDS
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