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001 [15 Jan 2018|12:29pm]
Hello all! I know we have a lot on our minds these days, but the first student government meeting is on Monday so if there are issues you would like me to raise, please comment - publicly or privately - and I will bring your concerns to the table!

Take care and peace out ^_^V

Private to Kody, Jacob, Fletcher

I'm really looking forward to working with you all to make Milton U a better place!
18 comments|post comment

[15 Jan 2018|01:48pm]
Why does everyone get so excited over turning 21?

It feels exactly the same.
87 comments|post comment

[15 Jan 2018|06:46pm]
Hello, ladies. (And new members!)

I think we're long overdue for this conversation. Considering recent legal developments, and the... enthusiasm of many of our classmates when it comes to connecting Tri-Alpha with the existence of a secret sorority, I think we should take a vote about suspending or disbanding the Kappas.

My reasoning here isn't entirely altruistic. This semester is different for me in many ways, what with graduation coming up in a few months, and — well, Ryan asked me to marry her over the break and I said yes. So I've also got a wedding to plan. But you girls are my family, and I want you all to come to the wedding, and I certainly don't want to leave you high and dry at a time like this.

So, yes, the vote. Does anyone think it's a good idea? And, if so, would you like to suspend the Kappas until the investigation is over, disband the sorority completely, or just allow Juliet to take over for me as president?
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[ viewing | January 15th, 2018 ]
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