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[03 Jan 2018|10:41am]
Okay, just so I'm prepared for tomorrow (because who trusts the weather reports), just how cold is it really at Milton?

Hope everyone had a good vacation time. We had a fairly quiet family Christmas, there was some talk of coming to New York, but in the end my grandmother wanted to stay home and she basically rules the family so we stayed. Also I had my own reasons for wanting to stay in California - weather aside!

Private to Diego )

Private to Mo )
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[03 Jan 2018|09:21pm]
We're back at school for another semester. I can't wait to see everyone that I haven't seen since break started. And I'm so sorry to all of my New York friends that I didn't get a chance to see. I was otherwise occupied. ^^ Chris and I had a lot of time to make up for after all.

I hate so much that we aren't going to be able to be together like we were. I got used to waking up next to you. This sucks.
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