Sun, Dec. 5th, 2010, 01:11 am


It's Tracey again, with character numero dos--Alexander Veicht: vampire, flirt, guitar-playing bad-ass corporate lawyer, ex-college-football-player/frat boy.

Grew up in Texas, went to UPenn for undergrad (Major - Business ; Minors - German & Music) and U. of Virginia for law school. Works for [info]clarissadevries's company as an attorney. Used to live next door to [info]paulmuller and [info]annatheodora, and Paul served as his 'good mentor' after he was bitten two years ago.


4) A FAMILIAR (mmm bloood)
5) MOST IMPORTANTLY: Someone to be his 'bad mentor' and tempt him in the ways of irresponsible vampire-acting.

Plot? Pleeeassse? :3 ♥

Sun, Dec. 5th, 2010, 10:02 am

Hello, world. Lovely to be here with you all. I'm M and I bring you Eve Karvan, played by the lovely Angel Coulby. Eve is a werewolf, with a fairly unremarkable position in Sherwood pack (assuming this flies with our alpha) and an even more unremarkable job (she writes for a magazine about glue). Her bio is long and boring, so I'll spare you the read-through with a few handy cliff notes:
- Eve is a fan of being on her own, can often be found at the library, coffee shop(s) or cinema (if they're showing something artsy). Her tastes verge on the pretentious.
- Eve is not a fan of crowds, personal attachments or people who try to wrench her from her shell (she's a happy shellfish in that sense), but for purposes of the game she's not going to be a total recluse.
- Eve is a bitten werewolf and has a complicated relationship with her double nature, so it's not something she takes pride in or brags about even to other supernaturals.
- Her attachment to the pack doesn't allow half-measures. They're family and she loves them like one usually loves family - in small, periodic increments, over the holidays. Should anyone need an informant, she can probably be swayed.

I'm open to all sorts of lines up to and including random run-ins. Organic lines are good, non-organic lines also. Hit me up for chatter on AIM at bluehandses. Eve's sn is coming, as soon as I get AIM to submit. Again, thanks so much for accepting me, I can't wait to play with you all.

Sat, Dec. 4th, 2010, 10:32 pm

Hi, everyone! I'm Sara and I know at least part of you. If I don't know you, I don't bite! Anyway, this is my lovely character Cassandra Grant, although she hates her full name and will only answer to nicknames. Sandra is a 22 year old Witch-psychic. She's a third generation witch, on her mother's side, and grew up in a town a close to Nottingham. She's lived her since she was 19 and is currently a bartender at Genos.

She grew up in an interesting family. Her parents are kinda hippies (her mother sells herbal remedies and potion ingredients and her father is a guitar teacher), sometimes do drugs, and don't make a whole lot of money. Her father was from a very rich family and they set up a trust fund for Sandra and her siblings, but she doesn't get that till she's 25. So until then she's poor. She also has three older brothers and all the siblings are named after different myths. (HINT HINT, if you want to bring in a boy)

Sandra is a total tomboy and loves sports. She will play any game you ask her to, and will trash talk you and do anything to beat you. She's really loud and has a bad habit of always speaking before she thinks which often leads her to accidentally insulting people. She's extremely loyal to her friends, fearless, and stubborn. She gets along better with guys and has trouble dealing with girly things. She likes to jokingly flirt, but is awkward with relationships and being physical. She takes her magic pretty seriously and was taught to never use it for bad things. She's just started working on making her psychic skills better and can see a couple weeks into the future.

That turned out longer than I wanted. She need PLOT!

Sat, Dec. 4th, 2010, 02:21 pm

Hey there!

I'm Patricia. Some of you may already know me, but I imagine a lot of you don't. This may be a good thing because I'm kind of a huge spazz, but I promise I'm friendly! A lot of the time, at least. ;) I'm a student from Sydney, Australia. I'm a night-owl. I like cake. Bridges. The beach. And other such pointless things that don't matter because I'm bad at introductions and don't know how to function among civilised people. ANYWAY. On to the characters.

First up, we have ELLE DUBOIS. [info]elbois. She is human, an old soul, and the reincarnation of Helen of Troy and Marilyn Monroe. Basically, she's doomed each time to fall in love with a man who is absolutely terrible for her, and each time it leads to her death. Cheerful, right? She's twenty one and a college student, but she also plays waitress at one of the supernatural nightclubs most nights a week. She's a social butterfly and is always seen mulling about parties and things, so if your character is that way inclined you definitely know her. She's bubbly, charming, and just the slightest bit air-headed. She is also ridiculously ambitious, which most people don't know as she hides it under a blanket of saccharine hostility, and will walk all over anyone who stands in her way to be the best. She wants to be famous, rich, and loved by all. A walking cliche, basically. So. She needs friends, exes, acquaintances, etc!

Next, we have ALTHEA HOBBS. [info]ahobbs. A witch this time, one who specialises in healing potions and things of that nature. She's a ridiculously compassionate woman and she loves to help people in need. However, she is also slightly bigoted in nature as she doesn't really like many humans and vampires, especially the traditional variety, are not on her list of favourite people. She is trying to broaden her horizons, and anyone who plays a vamp/human is free to try and get a friendship out of her! But yes. She's nineteen. She has two children with [info]dellftw/DELL LLOYD, and her family (which is HUGE) operates their own occult store HOBBS & HERBS. She basically just takes her life day-by-day in the struggle to survive, and her future plans are heavily tied to her children/partner. Still, I would love for her to have a few close girl pals, enemies in humans, etc.

Last! We have DAVEY GOLDSTEIN. [info]daveyg. This one's a little ridiculous. He's twenty three, a vampire, and a total nerd. Mind you, he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and he's his own biggest fan. But. The facts are facts. And he's a bit of a geek. Still, he's super-friendly, a total slacker, and pretty much loves everyone and everything. He's a would-be vegetarian, except he has a familiar and people taste far too good to just like, stop forever. But gosh-darnit, he tries his best. He works at Chaplin Theater, and he is also a college student. Again, friends, exes, acquaintances, etc!

And that's all. Sorry, I kind of blow hard at introductions. I'm better in IM, though, so feel free to hit me up at butternutcrack sometime! ♥

Fri, Dec. 3rd, 2010, 06:00 pm


It's Tracey here with the lovely Vivian Renee Cooper. She's a senior at Nottingham U w/ a double major in Journalism and Psych. She's currently interning for the local paper. She's an adopted child who was bounced around the foster care system quite a bit until her early HS years, so there's a lot of potential backstory for anyone who she might have met in the past while in a family that didn't stick or in a group home.

She's a sweet girl, friendly and bubbly and relatively politically involved (Journalism major, after all).

I AM ON MY KNEES BEGGING FOR PLOT. PLEAAAAAAAAASEEEE. I need friends from childhood that she didn't really keep in touch with, friends from HS that she's like & with, and CURRENT Uni buddies and colleagues at the paper. Also, people she may/may not have interviewed in the past for the paper...


Fri, Dec. 3rd, 2010, 03:01 pm

Yet another introduction! :D Hello, kidlets. I’m Lisa, and this is Terry Connors. Some of you know her, some of you don’t. In this verse, she is a college student and witch, born and raised in Nottingham, who discovered her witchery powers when she started to accidentally set things on fire, threatening to burn her house to the ground until she was taken to a witch, who IS OPEN FOR PLAY became her mentor, since her parents didn’t know anything about magic. Overall, Terry isn’t the nicest person out there, and I foresee lots of heads butting. She’s a bit of a know-it-all bitch, but she is also brave, determined, and a loyal friend with a strong sense of justice.

Um, what else? She just turned 20, and is aiming for a Physics degree in Nottingham University, but she also takes a bunch of extra-curricular classes and works at Spot Coffee, so if you have a student there, she probably knows them, and has called them idiots on at least one occasion. Charming, I know ♥

I’d love for her to have a childhood friend, a next-door neighbor who has learned to ignore her fits of temper, but who can give her some wrist-smacking when she does wrong. Her father, a widower professor, is also open for play, and I will shortly be posting something for him in the wanted page. Asides from that, Terry needs LINES. Friends, enemies, frenemies, rivals, whatever you can think of, I want-- nay! I NEED it >:D

Soooo I’m looking forward to playing with you all! Terry’s profile is here, and my AIM is Lisa GSWH if you want to plot! Cheers <3

Fri, Dec. 3rd, 2010, 12:21 pm

Hey kids! Oh Jesus, it's about time I finished this guy. It only took me years. Anyway, hi! I'm Katie, and this is Connor Williams! Some of you might actually know this character from awhile ago, with a different face, but here he is, all fresh and dusted off! He's the Alpha of the Sherwood Pack (which I just named, FYI), and a werewolf. His history is here, which I JUST finished and is really jumbled because I'm all over the place, but basically he's twenty-nine, a construction worker foreman, and the father of two year old twins named Nate and Kate. He's married, though I don't have his wife yet (and I'd love to find her), and wasn't born a werewolf. When he was five, his family was attacked and killed, he was turned, and he was found by the man that later adopted him and raised him as his own. He grew up with the pack, and two years ago (just after the birth of his twins) his father died of a heart attack, leaving Connor as Alpha!

Anyway, so, homeboy may look extremely frightening at times, but he's actually a big, harmless teddybear most of the time. He's goofy, friendly, and has a huge heart (almost as big as his stomach). If you're in his pack, friends with him, or related to him, he will defend you until the death. He loves inappropriate humor but he is (mostly) respectful, and is basically a big kid. His babies are his life, as well as the pack.

Anyway, now that he was JUST accepted, he can use any lines! I've got his Beta and BFF in [info]rhodest, but other than that, whatever! I'll be working on two more shortly, so look out for those intros! For now, I'd love to work out whatever with this guy! Can't wait to start playing!

Fri, Dec. 3rd, 2010, 10:44 am

Hey everyone out there! I'm Rose and I bring you this character. I've written her for so many years. I started on Yahoo Groups back in the day, and she's been in retirement for the past two years until I found this place and knew it was the place for her.

Her name is Mercedes Bryant and she is a werewolf, made. She's twenty eight years old and has a bit of an extensive past so I'll do my best to summarize it. She was born to a young teenage mother who couldn't care for her. When she was taken to the hospital really sick, CPS showed up wanted to place her in a real home. The mother panicked and took Mercy, and left her at a firehouse. From there she went into an orphanage until she was adopted by a woman named Belle. Belle and Marcus were the Alpha's of the pack and after a few years, Marcus started to use Mercy. She was fourteen (and a half) when she was taken to the pack for the first time. They attacked, changed her and used her.

Long story shorter, Belle was intimidated by how strong Mercy ended up being so the whole pack was against her. She had a baby when she was twenty two and Marcus assumed Tyler was his so took care of Mercy. Belle hated this and in a few years when she ended up pregnant again, Belle attacked her. She lost her second child so took her revenge on Belle and when the pack came after her (wanting to kill both she and Tyler), she was saved by Connor! Because of her past, Mercy is very skittish around men and strangers. Right now she only trusts her pack. Recently she gave birth to her third second child, Hunter (with [info]rhodest). She has a two bedroom home where she likes to watch kids of the pack members while they're at work.

Whoo, okay. That's Mercy, in a very big nutshell.

Fri, Dec. 3rd, 2010, 12:02 am

Hi! I'm Kristy and I legitimately do not feel like writing this intro. However, I will do it out of love~ and just make it short and sweet! I come with three, one of whom a lot of you might recognize (though some of you will totally know the other two as well).

Theo Chastain. Human, 23 years old. She lives with her boyfriend, Paul Muller, and works at Peeled, which is a vegan/vegetarian restaurant that also caters to vegetarian vampires. Paul owns it. ;) She's lived in Nottingham since she was 11, so any of the locals will know her! She has a degree in cosmetology and does cut and style hair on occasion, but isn't really very good at doing anyone's hair but her own. She has a fifteen-year-old blind, arthritic dog named Commissioner Gordon that she treats like a child and takes with her everywhere she goes. Sheeeee's Cam Kerrigan's best friend aaaaand... OH! She's also pregnant! But she doesn't know it yet, because it's only been about two months. SO YES. Personality-wise, she pretty much is friendly to everyone. She likes to party and curses like a sailor. Aaaand she's fun. Her AIM is TheoChastain!

Nic Hathaway. Vampire, 900+ years. He's dashing and arrogant! He's originally French, but the accent is vague. In his earlier years, he was a rebellious~ musiciany type who roamed around and skirted his responsibilities as an heir. At this point, he's settled down significantly. He comes from a massive wealth (his family owns wineries) and is an entrepreneur. He owns a bistro called Crescendo and a nightclub called Serenade, both of which serve all races. He's married to Kylie Kane-Hathaway, but they have a ridiculously love-hate relationship. They got married while drunk in Australia awhile back and he refused to sign annulment papers because he thought the entire situation was hilarious. ;) He's a beast! [info]nicolashathaway, AIM: nicthinksdirty

Annnd Clarissa de Vries. Vampire, 940 years old. She's the Bellatrix Lestrange of this world, basically. She's a pyromaniac, a psychopath, a mob boss, and a murderer (allegedly). She's on the Vampire Council and has an extreme superiority complex. It's really hard for me to describe her, especially because she's my oldest character and has five years of plotting built within her, but you'll get to know her! [info]clarissadevries, AIM: vindictiveclare

And my AIM is ShesOutofHerTree!

Thu, Dec. 2nd, 2010, 06:09 pm
[info]audenmackenzie: OH YAY! INTRODUCTIONS!

Hi everyone! I'm Edie (:

And this is Auden Mackenzie. She's a human old soul who's deaths always involve a poisoning of some kind, whether it be accidental, on purpose, self-inflicted or from an outside source. She has just turned 18 recently and is a freshman at Nottingham University. Her daddy is the CEO of Mackenzie Inc, a multi-million dollar corporation started by his grandfather. His wife is of the stay at home, trophy variety (but she has aged into a mature and graceful lady who is excellent in social situations). She is the result of an affair her father had with a young waitress in Beijing, way back when. But she has since been accepted into and loved as one of the family. She is very close to all three of her half-brothers.


Auden has minor aggression issues (as in she will fight you if you think you can bully someone she loves) and problems working within the rules, but she's really quite nice if you don't offend her. She's the kind of person who will jump in, head first, before realizing that the pool is filled with piranhas. She also changes her mind twelve times a week, but she's very stubborn with her decisions and will never go back on her word. She hasn't gotten on great with girls, in the past, just because the ones from her high-school were all backstabbing gossipy gold-diggers. BUT SHE IS READY TO GIVE HAVING A PROPER GIRLFRIEND ANOTHER TRY! Currently her best friend is her brother and all his friends are his friends too. But maybe she needs to break away from that because, yknow, college and all that. Also she's very upbeat and idealistic for someone who is a firm believer that second chances only bring around the same result as the first go, something that surprises most people about her.

If you want more please go read her biography. I swear there is more to her that I haven't already told you! I hope you guys like her, I'm stoked to be a part of this <333

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