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[24 Jun 2012|11:46pm]
SO, with the idea that the upcoming plot is likely a go, and with Chels still off and doing fun stuff (jealous), this is going to be the info post for what happened with Larsa/Basch's involvement with AVALANCHE. Things are more than welcome to be backdated of people want to play things out or are interested in fleshing ideas and whatnot, but as the kidnapping thing has been going on for a while this is pretty much what happened:

Basch infiltrated AVALANCHE with Balthier, Fran, and Cait Sith's help, was able to determine Larsa's whereabouts (considering people wanted to get him home anyway), got hime out, and returned him to his father. He then spent a few days under house arrest in his suite until he was summoned by Gramis who granted him amnesty in return for continued service to Larsa, which Basch readily accepted.

If anyone would like to have been involved with anything, or would have liked to have met/interacted with Basch during his time with AVALANCHE I'd be happy to discuss things/backdate things!

ALSO, ridiculously excited about playing around with the new plot, and I'm looking forward to the chance of getting my kids interacting with other peeps!
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