OOC/SLs Community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[12 Jun 2012|10:15am]
Hello bright shiny happy people of Midgar!

My name is Liz. I come bearing Celes Chere of Final Fantasy VI (III, as I grew up playing it, oy!), slightly altered to fit this setting, of course. For the minute she's still with Shinra but if you're familiar with VI you know she doesn't stay with the "bad" guys for long.

I am working on getting her journal all pretty and set up with a contact post, more icons, that sort of thing, so until then if you want to talk or plot you can PM me or IM me on AIM if I'm on. Or comment here, I am not super picky. I'M AWKWARD AND IN NEED OF LOVE, TALK TO ME. Hope to talk to everyone soon! ♥
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[ viewing | June 12th, 2012 ]
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