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Midgar City: A Final Fantasy VII AU Role Play

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May 31st, 2012 9:39 pm

don't cry anymore, i'm not worth it, nothing, nothing's a waste of time, i'm your radio controlled robot )
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May 28th, 2012 7:58 pm
the voyager (balthier) [

Who: Fran and Balthier
When: after getting some texts from Garnet, after her escape from Shinra
Where: the Strahl
What: planning the next adventure

Fran didn't think Balthier was going to like what she had to say. )
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May 22nd, 2012 11:46 pm
texts [

FROM: Reno Sinclair
TO: Elena Gunn

Did you hear about the Alexandros kid?
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May 22nd, 2012 11:22 am
thread: aerith and seifer [

CHARACTERS: Seifer Almasy and Aerith Gainsborough
TIME: Monday (backdated slightly)
PLACE: Sector 5 church
SUMMARY: Aerith and Seifer talk
STATUS: Incomplete

It had been another quiet afternoon at the church for Aerith. )
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May 22nd, 2012 5:48 pm

WHO: Garnet and Zidane
WHAT: The canary tries to fly the coop.
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: New safe house. Sector unspecified.
RATING: PG, most likely.

So far and away, see the birds as they fly by. Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky. I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings. Let them go and see what tomorrow brings. )
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May 21st, 2012 9:20 pm
thread: rufus, scarlet, and terra [

CHARACTERS: Terra Branford, Scarlet Faulkner and Rufus Shinra
TIME: Monday afternoon
PLACE: Shinra, weapons department
RATING: Low? Medium-ish because of human slavery? IDK.
SUMMARY: Scarlet gives Rufus a tour of the Weapons department, where he's introduced to Terra.
STATUS: Incomplete

Rufus seemed to have a brain in his head, unlike most of the people she had to deal with on a daily basis. )
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May 21st, 2012 9:17 pm
thread: reeve and scarlet [

CHARACTERS: Scarlet Faulkner and Reeve Tuesti
TIME: Monday morning
PLACE: Sector 5 reactor
SUMMARY: The sector 5 reactor is back up and running.
STATUS: Incomplete

Scarlet thought she deserved some kind of award for it. Or at least a very stiff drink. )
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May 21st, 2012 6:13 pm

Who: Basch & Elena
What: Winding down after a stressful weekend.
When: Monday evening
Where: Various places. Ultimately his suite. People need to stop having nicer places than hers.
Rated: for silliness.
Status: In progress

Your slaps don't stick, your kicks don't hit. So we remain the same. Love sticks, sweat drips. Break the lock if it don't fit. A kick in the teeth is good for the some. A kiss with a fist is better than none. )
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May 19th, 2012 9:06 pm
could it be we don't have what it takes ( AVALANCHE! ) [

Who: AVALANCHE open call!
Where: Sector 6 Safehouse
When: Late at night, right after this. Vague time is vague.
What: AVALANCHE has plans. Well, they need them, anyway.

After Edgar picked up Zack, it didn't take long to get to the safehouse. It took a little longer, in fact, for Edgar to stop heaping compliments and thanks upon the owner's pretty daughter. )
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May 18th, 2012 9:55 pm
Thread: Rufus, Reno, & Elena [

CHARACTERS: Rufus Shinra, Reno Sinclair, & Elena Gunn
TIME: Saturday, May 19, 8pm
PLACE: Streets of Upper Junon
RATING: TBD but there will be alcohol-consumption and shenanigans, I'm sure
SUMMARY: In honor of a new line of Shinra submarines, Rufus (along with his ~Turk escorts~) goes to christen them and generally do PR for the company. He's feeling really pleased with himself at the end of it all, so he takes Reno and Elena out to paint the town red. \o/
STATUS: In Progress

A loud roar of activity clashed around Rufus and the reporters as the celebratory event was coming to an end, marking the birth of a new line of Shinra submarines in Junon... )
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