Midgar City: A Final Fantasy VII AU Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Midgar City: A Final Fantasy VII AU Role Play

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TEXTS [03 Jul 2012|10:43pm]
To: Reeve Tuesti
From: Elena Gunn

Thanks again for all your assistance in recovering Larsa, sir. If your schedule permits, I will be throwing a small and intimate party for Basch's birthday. Consider this an invitation to both you and Cait Sith!

To: Fran
From: Elena Gunn

Hello. My name is is Elena Gunn, and I am a friend of Basch fon Ronsenburg. Is it safe to assume you are as well? Your contact information was in his phone. God, this makes me sound like a snooping girlfri

If this is a wrong number, please disregard this message.
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[ viewing | July 3rd, 2012 ]
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