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Back August 2nd, 2013 Forward
monkeyshinez [userpic]
[Package for Puck]

When Puck arrives back in Chicago, there is a rather large cardboard box waiting for him. While it is labeled clearly, every other inch of the box is decorated with bright swirls and graffiti - including cartoon monkeys. Inside the box is a short note written in a quick hand... "This is the first box like promised! Total freebie gift. Welcome to our world! I hope you like it and, if you ever visit the Bay Area, look me up." - Hanuman/Javi.

The list of goodies within is quite impressive - Twinkies, crystallized ginger, four different types of candy bars, Reese's peanut butter cups, pink snowballs (where on earth did he find those?), dried banana chips and slices of mango and Mallomars.

Puck is going to be happy. Mab? Probably not so much.

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Back August 2nd, 2013 Forward