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Back September 6th, 2012 Forward
Ebony's Blog

A Christian Nation.

That is what the FFCF and it's leader are constantly calling the USA. A Christian Nation. It's figurehead, Mimi Osmond, has been bashing the American public over the head with this message so hard and so often, I wonder if that's how she thinks she'll get people to believe her. And in truth, I think she has the right idea. For an educated populace to suddenly toss out the facts of history, disregarding it completely, brain damage seems like the best method.

The current "Threat To America", the apparent reappearance of Old World gods, has the FFCF and other groups like it, up in a tizzy. The need to reaffirm that this is a Christian Nation has become absolutely vital with their arrival. And that's because we, the American People, have no business believing in "False Gods".

We are a sinful country, and we stray from the right path. But not to worry! We have groups like the FFCF that are around to guide us back to the proper path. Whether we believe in it or not.

Forget Freedom of Religion. Forget that the Founding Father's of our nation explicitly stated that religion has no place in government. After all, who actually read the Treaty of Tripoli? Just because it's archived in D.C. doesn't mean John Adams' statement that "the government of the United States, is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" is something we should pay attention to. And that Thomas Jefferson fellow was probably just having a laugh when he wrote that "our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinion."

To believe this nonsense is just a stretch. Let's look back to the Equinox. If there was a time for "God" to bring down his wrath, don't you think that would have been the time? If it really bothered "God" that all these various deities were popping up, he probably would have done something about it then. Wouldn't he?

Or, perhaps, my free thinkers, the concept of Freedom of Religion was just handed to us on a silver platter. Deities from multiple old religions were revealed. How earth shattering it must be to learn that, as much as you tried to brow beat it in to us that there is only ONE god, you are absolutely wrong. These people are scrambling to pick up the pieces of their cracked glass house.

So when it comes down to it, the FFCF and other groups like it are absolutely terrified of losing their power base. Wouldn't you be too, if every god, but the one you've spent thousands of years forcing people to worship through various methods, suddenly showed up and waved hello? Osmond claims the Wrath of God is upon us. What is really upon us is a revolution of thought. The way we perceive the world is changing. Mystery is coming back into the world. The real question is, how will we approach it; with curiosity or with fear?

Back September 6th, 2012 Forward