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Back February 1st, 2014 Forward
metemmods [userpic]
Activity Check, and Activity Vouchers

Happy February, players! This month, we are doing something a little different with activity check. Since January was slow for everyone, we are giving everyone a free pass on activity for the month. HOWEVER, if you did make your activity check for the month, go ahead and post it below as usual, because every character who makes their activity check will receive a "voucher" for a free pass on an activity check that they can use at their discretion at some future time.

(So, for example, if you made your activity check for January, but a few months from now life got crazy and you weren't able to post enough activity, you could use your voucher for that month to keep your character from going on standby.)

These vouchers would be issued to each character that makes the activity check for January, rather than each player. So, if you have two characters and both of them made check for this month, you would get two vouchers, one for each character. These vouchers do not expire, but they can only be used once. Also, please note that these vouchers are not transferable; a voucher is only good for the particular character it was given to. (For example, let's say you have more than one character, one of your characters has a voucher but made his or her activity check, and one of your other characters without a voucher did not. The character who didn't make his or her activity check would still go on standby.)

Please feel free to contact any of the mods if you have any questions. You have until 11:59 p.m. CST on February 3rd to submit your responses.

Back February 1st, 2014 Forward