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[28 Dec 2011|06:09pm]
Text to Kitty Pryde )

[28 Dec 2011|06:49pm]
Who: Logan and Rogue
What: Sparring in the Danger Room, the best time to have deep conversations with Logan!
Where: Danger Room
When: Wednesday before dinner

If anyone knew him they knew the best time to get a good talk going with him was during a Danger Room session. Or with a beer, whichever. )

[28 Dec 2011|08:57pm]
WHO: Rictor & Iceman
WHAT: Julio comes to mock an infirmed Bobby
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Bobby's mancave

[28 Dec 2011|09:19pm]
WHO: Wither & Iceman (he's so populurr)
WHEN: Backdated: Wednesday mid-afternoon
WHERE: Again, Bobby's mancave

[ viewing | December 28th, 2011 ]
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