MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable

October 22nd, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


October 22nd, 2008

Acafen vs Squeefen, round 235

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The last few rounds of [info]metafandom have focused on the aca-fen vs anti-aca perspectives on enjoying fic. And it's moving along in predictable patterns. (Not because they're inane or boring patterns--I find them fascinating every time--but because they've been done before, and there's only so many directions this can go.)

Phase 1: "I not acafan; I no like acafandom. Acafandom=mean."
Response: "Wy u no like acafandom? U dumm. Acafandom=fun."
Phase 2: "Stoopid ppl no like acafandom. They dumm."
Response: "Thx for dis post; ur rite, they dumm."

(Hopefully, by writing that in Kitteh, it's obvious that I'm exaggerating to make a point, and nobody actually called anyone else "stoopid" or "dumm.")

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