MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable

August 28th, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


August 28th, 2008

What is RPF anyway?

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Someone on my flist posted about a newfound enjoyment of specific kinds of SPN RPS, and asked about other people's changing attitudes towards the genre. I was going to answer but figured this would get long so I decided to write a post instead.

I think everyone agrees that RPF/RPS is a form of fanfic, though why this agreement exists seems less clear. I would guess that it's because (1) It's usually written by fans, who are often writing other kinds of fanfic (2) It's non-commercial (in many respects) and (3) It follows various fanfic conventions that we see in FPF whether that's format, archiving, tropes, and so on. So it kind of looks and quacks and waddles similarly even if many circles consider it an uglier form of duckling.

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