MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable

May 26th, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


May 26th, 2008

Warnings for "chan;" archive content policies

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I'm in the OTW's content policy focus group. (My, that's a mouthful.) What that actually means: We read the TOS and suggest changes & clarifications. The discussion group doesn't get to make any decisions; we just get to heckle. The committee gets to receive heckling, ask for more details, and decide which of the heckles are worth changing the policy for.

I'm not sure how much secrecy is involved with this, so I'll try not to reveal anything too specific.

OTW's content policy is nifty; it's gonna be different from every other TOS I've read. Must be the gamer in me; I've read many Terms of Service. )

For a rating system of "chan/not-chan," where do/would you draw the lines, epecially when normal human biology isn't involved? Do you think it's a simple and obvious decision, or a more complicated issue?

Crossposted at my journal.
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