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May 9th, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


May 9th, 2008

Here I am, late again

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Wednesday, someone pointed me at Cory Doctorow's new book, Little Brother. Which, like (AFAIK) all of his books, is available online as a free download, complete with a cluster of formatted versions sent in by readers. I promptly downloaded the eReader version, and started reading it on my lunch break. (And now I'm all twitchy 'cos my computer at home is trying to download something large that's screwing up my bandwidth; I hope it's some program update I forgot to disable.)

Anyway. So, as a result of reading Mr. Doctorow's excellent book about terrorism & security & the lack thereof caused by increasing restrictions on human behavior, two things have occurred:
  1. I have been thinking a lot about computers, technology, security systems in general, and
  2. I am falling-over exhausted, 'cos Wednesday night, we have a meeting I couldn't read through, and I stayed up afterwards until 3 am to finish the book. (I wake up at 6:20. Every day.)
So this weeks prompts are (1) Late, (2) A bit on the whimsical side, 'cos I'm a bit loopy from lack of sleep, and (3) Security-related.

Stay alert! Trust no one! Keep your laser handy! )
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