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March 29th, 2008

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March 29th, 2008

Where have all the babies gone?

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I'm annoyed at the lack of parents in many canons, expecially exotic ones. Specifically, I'm annoyed at the lack of parents of babies and toddlers--we have occasional parents of as young as preteens, but usually teenagers (Molly & Arthur Weasley, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Captain Benjamin Sisko). The O'Briens on DS9 are the only parents of young children I can think of in RL canon with a fan following, and the children were used as a Marriage Troubles Plot Device. (RL canon, as contrasted with The Simpsons or Family Guy, or any of the zillion of kid-focused cartoon shows.) But the O'Briens were very much "couple on a [quasi-]military base"... one of the arguments was that this was not how either of them thought children should be raised.

It makes for an interesting (and annoying) effect when I try to imagine more details about these shows.

Where do Treklings Come From? )

But there are other canons, right?

Perhaps I live in the UK, and I married a wizard. )

On the one hand, it's annoying that there just aren't enough details to even come up with "this is probably roughly what it's like, plus some individual variants." On the other, it's convenient that it's open enough to allow for all sorts of theories to be explored in fanfic... uterine replicators on Federation planets so women don't have to endure the hassle of pregnancy and labor, contraception spells for witches and house elf nannies for baby wizlets. Or maybe clone vats for having identical triplets that are identical to a parent, or babysleep pods growing on giant beanstalks.

We get to decide. We get to explore those ideas any way that strikes our fancy. Maybe some other time I'll grumble about the lack of baby-related fic, and what that implies about our various fandoms. Right now, I'm grumbling about canon and trying to perceive the gaps as fannish opportunities.
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