MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable

March 25th, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


March 25th, 2008

Wow. Fandom never stops! Meta[metameta] rocks!

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So I've been MIA for most of 4 weeks of travel and learning and too much school (goes without saying, heh), a bit of being sick (bleh), a lot of work (with not enuf $).

Including 3 conferences: 2 academic ones + the fabulous Escapade. Which should be a model for academic cons, IMNSHO.

I've got so darn much to catch up on! *squees happily, hugs fandom* Like: The spanking new (heh, yes, I can haz kinks) METAMETAMETA. Woot!

By a happy collision of events, [info]svartalfurs and [info]skuf and [info]elfwreck and I brainstormed a bunch of last-minute kewl ideas that turned [info]metametameta into a meta party last Friday! It was such a positive thing for IJ and fandom ... and as an alternative to the LJ day-without-posts. Fandom is action, a practice, a positive doing-something, so this was a totally cool idea from Anders & Skuf, to not just *not* do something - but rather to *do*, to *be* the busy hive we are.

happy Do-Be-Dooby-Doo on the why and how of metametameta is so cool! Also, how the Escapade con and the Awesome Oulangi inspired it. X-posted to metametameta. )

And the metas people posted! Makes me think Oulangi is totally right, and however meta3 turns out, fannish metastructure is clearly a hot demand. Especially at IJ. Where we are like a little Habitat for Humanity team, only building our whole IJ town! \O/

Me-Ta! Par-Ty! Or, why I love my flist

I am still all CAPSLOCK OF GLEE over the many different metas that got posted, and [info]svartalfur master list and everything! Even though I couldn't post or even read, being at this conference that *didn't even have* wireless. (B/c it was the San Francisco Marriott who are all like Welcome Guests, For Your Convenience An Extra Charge for Breathing! California money fetishism in its highest form - we are Beautiful Rich Ultra-Cool! Even while wrecking the planet and screwing over you peons who earn less than US $2M/year.)

So I have to read, comment, catch up with 297462t651!!1 things in fandom. Urk. But joy! B/c fandom is teh fun. I'm so glad to be back!
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