metafandom's Journal


1st March 2011

10:19pm: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

  • [info]cimorene: GWG or Girlfriends-What-Girlfriends - a term I could potentially get a lot of use out of - My kneejerk reaction is "Of course!". We need a term for this, because this is a really common story type, on a par with PWP or UST. I'd love to see a world where this was a universal tag at AO3 and something that almost everyone in fandom tagged their bookmarks with on Delicious -

  • [info]paraka: An Open Letter to bjwewelled - From the comments you've left, I gather that we're interpreting your words in ways you didn't intend us to and it probably seems like we're reacting rather harshly. Some of that is us, we're bringing in a history of past interactions with people who have said similar things, but part of that is definitely how you've put things and how you're reacting. I'm hoping to help clarify why we're reacting so strongly and also to answer some of the questions you've had -
    (tags: podfic)

  • [info]frigg: All these words that we speak casually - Seeing others being routinely cruel with no repercussions will create a mood where cruelty is trivialised and pardoned. We can reverse that, from both outside and in. We can do good - even if they seem like small, tiny inconsistent things. We can call out bullies, people being insulting and lies for what they are. We can create safe pockets in unsafe places. We can warn off others we know would get hurt by something. We can console friends who have been hurt. We can choose not to turn a blind eye when somebody is being hurt or shamed. We can share and spread respect and openness even in wanky discussions. We can set rules for ourselves, and sometimes for others too. This is us, this is our community too, these are our places. We have a voice. -

  • [info]solarcat: Safe Sex (in MY porn!?) - what is YOUR take on the topic of safe-sex practices in porn? (Fic porn, filmed porn, whatever.) Does it turn you on/off? What about a distinct LACK of safe-sex practices in your porn? Do you sit there thinking, No condom?? >:( or UNF. I WILL BE IN MY BUNK!? -

  • [info]rosemaryandrue: Using Our Grown Up Voices ('ware bullying) - Yeah, fandom isn't high school. Sometimes it isn't even elementary school. So, what to do with all this, with the responsibility of being an adult and the wisdom we can learn from school? I'm not sure. I wanted to ask people to speak up, but I know the awful scars it leaves and how painful and hard it can feel to have any extra demands made of you when you've already been hurt. -
    (tags: bullying)

  • [info]zephre: Brain Flotsam - I offer this post as a safe space for people to discuss the problem of bullying in our online fan communities, the difficulty of painting all anonymous communities with the same brush, the emotions generated not only by the direct bullying but by the reactions of fans and fandom spaces to it, the differences between bullying and constructive criticism, and concrete actions that can help us move forward to stop bullying and reclaim our fandom spaces as safe and healthy communities. -

  • [info]venivincere: That damned mean meme is an arse, why anon love memes are different, and how to truly strike back - So to anyone who's been devastated by this group of idiots, please, please remember: opinions have to be voiced to have any meaning. Anons don't have a voice. Therefore, logically, anons can't have opinions. Don't waste a single moment more giving credence to an arse. Do what you want in this fandom, do it with abandon, share the love, the squee, the awesome art and stories. -

  • [info]kaneko: Writing tricks. Also tofu. - [...] I've been thinking about some of the tricks and cheats I use a lot -- some borrowed, some figured out through trial and error. So a few of my writing tricks. I'd love to know some of yours too! -
    (tags: writing)
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