metafandom's Journal


7th February 2011

11:28am: Sunday, February 6, 2011
  • [info]ithiliana: Sai Gaddam and Ogi Ogas: A Billion Wicked Thoughts - However, given the ways in which Ogas and Gaddam tried to portray themselves as academic researchers in their foray into fandom, and the fact that they've gotten blurbs from (mostly) male academics, and the marketing language about how this work will affect sex researchers and therapists (omfg), I think it's important to emphasize that the work is neither academic nor undergone any type of peer review. -

  • [ profile] rodo: Wake Up, Yestergeek: The Times They Are A-Changing - Geek culture has always been derivative because culture has always been derivative. Your heroes remixed just as much as the fans do now. Geek culture has also always changed. Your daughter, if she is a geek, will have a geek culture of her own that you will not understand because it is not yours, anymore than my father understood mine, since his geekiness was limited to Karl May, Raumpatrouille Orion, Perry Rhodan and Franco-Belgian comics by René Goscinny. The times they are a-changing. Suck it up. -
    (tags: geek-culture)

9:59pm: Monday, Febuary 7, 2011
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