metafandom's Journal


11th January 2011

9:56am: Sunday, January 9, 2011
  • [ profile] facetofcathy: I started thinking while reading the other day. - So what if slash sex is all about the penis because it's one way of writing female sexuality that isn't all about the vagina. And does it need to be said that, for a lot of women, vaginal penetration might feel wonderful and delightful and be intensely meaningful, but will never, ever ever be the star of the show for them physically because it cannot make them orgasm? Is the anus barely mentioned in some of these sex scenes out of squeamishness or ignorance or received fannish culture? Or is it because the writer and readers want to read about sex where the clitoris, which is the biologically analogous body part in cis women to the penis in cis men, gets to get out there, drive the action and really get some focused, visible, physical attention. -

  • [info]swan_tower: Writing Fight Scenes: Who? - There are a lot of details packed into the question of who, and those details can have a strong effect on how the fight goes. So let's take a moment to unpack them. -
    (tags: writing)

  • [ profile] sage: cane rage - I just read an H50 fic where Kono took Danny's cane away from him and I am so unbelievably pissed off. You NEVER take a disabled person's cane away. I don't care if they have a permanent disability or a short-term injury -- it's the same exact thing as taking away someone's wheelchair if they use a wheelchair to get around. It's tantamount to unlawful imprisonment, since you are preventing that person from moving where they want to go, defending themself from harm, or escaping danger, and you are potentially putting their life at risk. -

  • [info]lionessvalenti: Review Replies - Do you reply to your reviews? Why or why not? -
    (tags: reviewing)

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