metafandom's Journal


4th December 2010

9:52pm: Saturday, December 4, 2010
    glockgal: [in glockart] Drawing Characters of Colour - Everyone's techniques are different. No one can teach you how to break out of the box, other than yourself (LEARNING MOMENT!! awwwww!) However, I do have some fun suggestions/exercises for you to try out, if you're interested in more learning moments with yourself! -
    (tags: fanart howto race)

  • kalichan: what's love got to do with it: my thoughts on *fail - All of these creators and creations have demonstrated failures of principle--failures of rightness, and I acknowledge this. And I think we should talk about it. Let's pull them to pieces. Let's call them out. Let's attack. Let's explain how they could be better. Let's work harder to be better ourselves and let's remember how and why these failed, and how they succeeded, if they did. Let's understand that none of this will change the fact that I love them. And it doesn't need to, because that's not what we're talking about here. That's not what we're trying to change. -
    (tags: fandom, race,)

  • [ profile] brownbetty: If someone has already done the statistical analysis of this shit, link me? - Do people think that the structure of kink_memes encourage a certain structure of fic, because of the shorter comment limits? -

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