metafandom's Journal


12th November 2010

3:02am: Thursday, November 11, 2010
  • [ profile] dancing_moon: [fic/anime meta] Rare fandoms != fandoms that ain't living in your neighbourhood - For some reason that completely elludes me, this year, the Yuletide team has decided to only go after what is archived at Archive of Our Own when determining which fandoms are eligible for Yuletide. -

  • [ profile] thingswithwings: some "whimpering," or perhaps this is a "rant" - man, every time I talk myself into signing up for yuletide, despite my hesitations and objections, something else happens to make me really really just want to avoid the challenge completely. -

  • [ profile] seperis: unpopular fannish opinion: i feel bad about mocking the snapewives - It's like the formula for funny now is batshit (higher level) + bad behavior for me to like, enjoy it in a group-like setting or batshit (higher level) + destructive behavior (in private, I enjoy many kinds of batshit. I feel that is okay). Which in a weird and uncomfortable way comes back to irony; if you aren't being ironic, you're doing it wrong, and Snapewiving was just not ironic, ick. -
    (tags: wank fandom)

  • [ profile] seperis: genre and warnings in professional literature - In general--again with some exceptoins--genre telegraphs concept.Fanfic for the most part has no concept of genre whatsoever; I'm wondering now if that's a reason it's more complicated in fandom. More or less, if you're used to genre giving you some kind of warning by being genre, then fandom's mix and match would confuse the issue. -
    (tags: genre sf warnings)

  • [ profile] jadelennox: Yuletide and small fandoms - Sure, the rules change means that some people can take advantage of Yuletide to request Teen Titans fic, and somebody else will offer to write it, but really, more fool them. They'll be wasting a perfectly good Yuletide request on something which could have been fulfilled by joining jbbs. -

  • [info]jimhines: Reporting Sexual Harassment in SF/F - Last week, I described a conversation I had with several different people at World Fantasy Con about an editor known for sexually harassing women. This generated a lot of discussion. At one point I remarked that someone should put together resources and contact information for anyone who’s been harassed and wanted to report it.A moment later it occurred to me that, “Hey … I’m someone. I could do that.” -

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