metafandom's Journal


4th November 2010

9:44am: Wednesday, Nov 3, 2010
  • [ profile] bossymarmalade: oh hallelujah our problems are solved, we have banana bread - Inception fandom is really, really good at hipster racism, which is tough to point out at the best of times, because we all know it's a joke, right? Racism is totally hilarious if white people make the jokes and are fully aware they're being racist! -

  • godofwine: I promise this is the last thing I have to say on the matter. Pinky swear even. - ]the_moonmoth said she had thought fandom was a safe place. I want fandom to be a safe place, too. But this means not only sensitivity to your position, but also sensitivity in labeling someone else with a term as strong as "racist". -

  • godofwine: It's a beautiful lie. - I think just there are so many readings of my post and the_moonmoth's post indicates that maybe the issue in halflinen's story isn't so clear cut one-way-or-the-other either. I think everyone is entitled to their own interpretation and feelings on the matter. -

  • the_moonmoth: Notes on a scandal - One question floating around seems to be: why should I be allowed to cast a moral judgement on [info]halflinen just because her perception of what is racist and hurtful does not coincide with mine? Quite frankly, my response is: why should I not be allowed? -

    (tags: fanfic racism)

  • [ profile] ratcreature: fannish etiquette question - With the proliferation of Tumblr, what do you do if another fan just reblogs your pictures? -

    (tags: fanart tumblr)

  • [ profile] hradzka: the Bechdel Test: mechanical approaches - If the test itself has a failure, it's that whether something passes or fails it is as far as the discussion usually goes. On those occasions that a conversation does turn to why a work fails the Bechdel Test, there are basically two ways that conversation can go. It can turn into an activist discussion of sexism and society, or it can turn into a discussion of the mechanics of writing. There have been a lot of the former, but there haven't been all that many of the latter. -

    (tags: writing gender)

  • [ profile] pandarus: Vocabulary PSA - I hate seeing sex scenes in fanfic described as "smut", "smex" or indeed "buttsecks". -

  • [ profile] marina: Because when I promise I deliver - Some things to keep in mind when writing porn -

    (tags: writing fanfic)

  • [ profile] marina: The more things change - I've heard people say they're not sure any of this "fandom activism" has a point, whether it's really having an impact, or if it's just more visible now, for whatever reason, and doesn't really change anything worth changing. This is puzzling to me, because that isn't at all how I feel, and so I submit several points for your consideration: -

  • [ profile] silver_spotted: [in writingthewall] not a good guy anymore? - Lately, it seems to be a truism that celebrities, or people in the public eye, will do or say offensive things. I think this is one of the worst parts of being in RPF fandom - being unpleasantly surprised by offensive (or otherwise problematic) comments or actions made by the Real People we read/write about. -

    (tags: rpf)

  • shipperx: Fannishness, Gender, Selfishness, and Depression - Sometimes, I think we need to be careful in the ways in which we exhibit gender bias. Sometimes it's cutting a guy extra slack for being 'the man!' Sometimes it's in our being overly willing to see the woman as passive, lacking control, or as helpless and thus less responsible for the that choices she makes. -

    (tags: fandom gender)

  • [ profile] deborah: authorial intent - It just occurred to me that it would be really easy in this day and age to put together a portfolio of online and offline writings by creators to show students how impossible it is to get at authorial intent as any meaningful way of interpreting the text. -

  • [ profile] rahirah: I've been trying to decide if I want to - What has been running through my head is a meditation on giving characters what they deserve. In some ways, I am all for this, if one considers it in the light of characters' actions having consequences, and it being good storytelling to play those consequences out. But that's not the sense in which most people mean it. It's usually used to mean that a character gets a meet and proper reward or punishment in response to their actions, or to their innate goodness or badness. Often that reward comes in the shape of another character. -

    (tags: writing fanfic)

  • [ profile] niqaeli: wherein your intreprid heroine has Opinions about Art. - the situation makes me teeth itch, on the whole, and I'm unimpressed by Fiction Alley's conduct and reasoning.I, however, am no more impressed with fanfiction being called entertainment and, by implication, something that cannot change people's lives the way education can. -

    (tags: fanfic)

  • [ profile] nextian: so ... this happened - It recently came to my attention that FictionAlley had submitted itself for a grant in the Pepsi Refresh program. -

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