metafandom's Journal


25th September 2010

3:04pm: Thursday/Friday, September 23-24, 2010
  • shweta_narayan: Dissimilation - I started off as one of Elizabeth Moon's ideal minority people, you guys. Since I think most of you had more sense than me, let me lay out what that was like, cause this is what she's demanding other people do so as not to harsh her mellow with our differences -
    (tags: race culture)

  • [ profile] starlady: xxxHOLiC and youkai manga - Under the influence of Michael Dylan Foster's Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Youkai, I realized that xxxHOLiC and several other prominent anime and manga can be classified as youkai manga, and may well be understood as such by Japanese audiences without ever having to label them thus explicitly. -

  • [ profile] kaigou: damsel in transition - So what we get is the apparent warrior-woman, trapped in the position of damsel-in-distress (injured, incapacitated, or just plain outranked and unable to contribute to the overall fight), but also consumed by frustration at her position. She invariably rails helplessly against her, well, helplessness, and we're supposed to see this as a fighting spirit, and ignore that basically she was set up to fail. -

  • irisbleufic: Weird personal writing rituals, let me show you them. - Fact: I can't start a story in earnest until I've both mapped out the emotional landscape of the story[...]and, oddly enough, have a title.What are your tics when it comes to starting/producing fan-work? -

  • [ profile] inlovewithnight: fandom and the logic of collective action - The short version: if behavior X is predicted to give a high COMMUNITY benefit, but INDIVIDUALS will benefit more immediately from behavior Y, individuals will tend to choose Y, and assume that someone else will pick up the slack of X and/or that X wasn't really all that important anyway. -

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