metafandom's Journal


25th July 2010

10:34am: Saturday, July 24, 2010
  • [ profile] raven: Red Seas Under Red Skies; and a thought about writing - A little while back gavagai asked me for a bit of fic: Komal/Preeti, from Chak De! India... I opened up a blank document to have a bash at it....and then stopped and thought, huh. The problem - CDI is in Hindi. And for me, fanfiction is about voices - it's about hearing those characters' voices in your head. Sometimes it's about other things, sometimes it's about a plot or a mood or a particular thematic study, but when I sit down to write a fic for someone else at the tip of a hat, it's about seeing if I can evoke the source material for that person.And, well. How to write it? I couldn't write a story about them with them speaking in English. They don't - they're Indian women, they're Hindi speakers. -

  • [ profile] merisunshine36: writing meta: my research process, let me show you it. - research research reeeeeseeearch/Getting It Right. This point delays my writing output to a ridiculous extent. If I'm writing Chekov fic, then I have to know what he eats for breakfast, and what his elementary school looks like, and what kind of pet dog he might have had. If I don't know these things, then I will sit in front of my computer paralyzed by indecision and never write anything, even if those details never actually appear in the story. . . .Am I the only one who thinks about these kind of things? How much research do you do? What sources do you turn to first? If you don't research at all, how do you get your ideas? Do you begin with characters and create a plot around them, or create a plot and squeeze your characters in? Am I doomed forever? -

  • [ profile] crypto: Frameshift - Anon culture in fandom - I've been following the latest anon meme that sprung out of the ViVidCon debates (is there some kind of Fight Club thing where you're not supposed to link to it? or actually name it? I'm going to err on the side of caution here, but let me know if there are standard anon meme rules or norms I should be observing), and it's been pretty fascinating to see the different dynamics of how discussions play out there vs. on LJ/DW. -

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