metafandom's Journal


4th July 2010

6:50pm: Sunday, July 4, 2010
  • [ profile] naraht: On another aspect of making cons welcoming - Older children are definitely not allowed at Vividcon, because of concerns about the adult content of vids, but nursing babies are (or ought to be) rather in a different category. -

  • [ profile] sohotrightnow: Here is the thing about the current and previous year's iterations of the warning debate. - I'm just saying, fandom, there are a lot of times when your solution really does seem to be "get out of fandom altogether and you won't have to worry about it". -

  • [ profile] yasaman: Foreign Territories - The Racebending challenge just reminded that for so long, I didn't even bother to expect or want media with people like me in it. I'm an Afghan girl, born in Germany, naturalized citizen of the United States. There are probably less than 500,000 Afghans in the United States, I barely met any Afghans outside of my family or family friends until college, and I took it for granted that there just aren't many of us. It's sort of a niche identity, y'know? So why should I expect to see people just like me on TV . . . ? But in the past few years, I've realized that any sort of diversity makes me happier with media. That seeing anything other than the white default is a welcome surprise, that if I can't see an Afghan or Middle Eastern girl on the screen/page, at least I can see another immigrant character, another non-European character, another non-white character. It means I can settle into a story more comfortably, because there's room for me in there. -

  • pew-pew-pew: Fic No-Nos :( - I thought I'd kindly point a few of these no-nos out for the greater good of humankind because let's face it, most of us are thinking it. -
    (tags: writing fanfic)

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