metafandom's Journal


20th June 2010

10:57pm: Sunday, June 20, 2010
  • [ profile] tejas: Fics and Squicks and the Beauty of Love (Sap Warning Ahead! :-) - I read for a variety of reasons, none of which are dependent on my self-image or my orientation or... or... or... you get the idea. Just because I'm straight, doesn't mean I must enjoy het smut. And by the same token, just because something perfectly harmless in fic squicks me is no reason to expect it to squick me when I stumble on people who enjoy it in real life. -
    (tags: fanfic squicks)

  • [ profile] princessofgeeks: pondery about H/C - I don't think it's good when these kinds of debates slide over the line into "your kink is wrong and hurtful and maybe even sick". I do NOT want to say that, ever, to a fellow fan. There's a big difference between people's fantasies, especially their sexual fantasies, and what they want to happen in real life, to themselves or to others. -
    (tags: h/c fanfic)

  • [ profile] reddwarfer: Be thou familar, but by no means vulgar... - The question should not be, why should I say something since I'll offend someone? Or why is everyone so sensitive? Or why bother? It perhaps should be something like: Will this offend someone? Who? Why? Is the potential for offending this particular person/group more or less important than what it is I'm trying to say? Is the risk worth it? Is the offense great or minor? These are all judgment calls. -

  • [ profile] calla: on being silenced - I have trashed story-ideas and deleted un-posted blog-entries because I was scared that they might offend people, yet no matter what I say someone will always be offended just not everyone will voice it. Should I, should we listen to those screaming the loudest? Should I allow my fear of potentially offending someone allow those faceless someones to silence me and force me into some kind of opinionless inner exile? -

  • [ profile] betnoir: You Got Your Kink In My Casefile! - So to read that h/c is less about the h and more about the c? Leaves me at best baffled because I don't see those two things as being on any sort of balance scale. If I have more h, do I get more c? Does less h = less c? At worst, I end up again feeling like my h only serves to fulfill somebody else's c fantasy. -
    (tags: h/c)

  • ivy-chan: i need a hand to help me lift some kind of hope inside of me - It's because I can't read anything else. It's because every book and every mainstream television show, every movie has been made by this culture, has been soaked in this culture and this time period's flaws: its misogyny, its racism, its heteronormativity and ableism. Its transphobia. Even my favorite shows or stories have it involved. It's because, when I'm finished reading, I get to live in a world in which that poisonous point of view is the norm, is enforced and encouraged. -

  • lunabee34: Lorraine's Theory of RPF - I think that most serious RPF writers, especially those in bandom and popslash and sports-related RPF like figure skating, rely really heavily on interviews (both print and televised) and televised appearances. That actually ends up being a lot of "canon" to familiarize oneself with, particularly if you throw in the blogging and Tweeting and other kinds of social networking a lot of these celebrities do. -
    (tags: rpf canon)

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