metafandom's Journal


16th May 2010

1:11pm: Saturday, May 15, 2010

  • solvent: conscientious kink? - But what I am 100% sure of is that if you directly draw on someone else's actual history as the raw material for your fantasy - if you take the suffering of an existing people, with an existing communal memory, and use that for kink purposes - it's not okay. That doesn't mean I think anyone should be ARRESTED OMG for writing that sort of story. But I don't think it's a good thing if they do. It's too real, in all the wrong senses, to be written unrealistically. -

  • [info]scribblinlenore: Dear So-Called Professional Writers: We're all storytellersThe very concept of Story is this HUGE, majestic thing, and no one owns it. No one controls it. Governments can extend copyright protections until infinity, but in the end, stories belong to everyone.

    I don't get how anyone who cares enough about stories to create their own doesn't get that.

  • marinarusalka: Small tip to pro writers - If you're really invested in promoting the idea that professionally published fiction writers are morally, intellectually and creatively superior to hobbyist fiction writers (especially those icky fanfic writers), then the one thing you really need to do is not talk in public on the internet, ever. Seriously. Cultivate an aura of mystery, it will do you good. -
    (tags: prowriting)

  • telesilla: 3W4DW -- Day ??? - I sit around on government assistance writing fanfic. Sometimes I go out and use my government money to buy a mocha and a bagel and I sit there at Crepeville writing fanfic. Sometimes I sit around on government assistance writing fanfic and eating bonbons!

    I don't need to explain to anyone why I'm on government assistance, because you know what? It's none of anyone's damn business.

  • facetofcathy: Fanfick - Fanfick is a trope used (some fans might say overused) by professional authors where they create a blog post decrying fanfic as a great and terrible evil.

    The name is a portmanteau of fanfic and icky and is sometimes written as fanficky. You will occasionally see fan fick as well, but that is usually the sign of a new writer using the trope.

  • cesare: when fans please more than the source does - I think maybe what you're calling disrespect is when fanfic authors say "We could do it better than the creator(s) did it."

    If so, then I'll explain a little. I believe some fans could possibly do it better (if only in the sense of, more pleasing to the audience) than the creator did it.

  • karathephantom: Very short thoughts re: fanfic - Passionate love (or some other strong emotion) for a character is the only reason I ever bother writing about them. My original characters are too intertwined with me for me to develop that, I think. Or too intertwined with people I know. I can write about original characters, and actually do it pretty well, but there's no joy in it for me. Deep and guiltlless love for a character that exists totally independent of me and my life is what motivates me to write and explore and... That's no less valuable than writing OCs. It isn't. -
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