metafandom's Journal


6th May 2010

2:56am: Wednesday, May 5, 2010
  • [info]dashakay: Confessions of a Glory Hound: On Fanfic and Feedback - I really and truly care about the stories that I write. It doesn't mean that they're perfect and the best stories ever in any given fandom. I'm well aware that there are tons of writers better than I am and that there are a lot of areas where I could stand improvement. All I can do is keep trying to write the best stories I can, to learn from my beta readers and some of the really great writers in my fandom, and keep making the effort to improve my weaknesses. // Because I care about my stories, I also care what readers think of them. -

  • [ profile] zvi: [in podficmeta] From Roga - Would readers be interested in editing works for podficcing, whether for content (e.g. sex scenes), length, adding dialogue tags, etc.? Does "permission to record" cover a blanket "permission to adapt"? // How would authors feel about re-writing stories so they are easier to be read or to be understood orally? -

  • [ profile] dagas_isa: [in fem_thoughts] Five Ways to Write Femslashy Porn - Just a few quick ways I can think of, sans explanation, to go about writing femslashy porn. Not an IKEA description of sex-acts (which I'll leave to those with actual experience about what works and what doesn't), but discussion of tones, themes, vocabulary, and prompts that will (hopefully) get the creative juices flowing and show how wide the range of femslash porn can possibly be. -

  • [ profile] zvi: [in podficmeta] from me, zvi - Is podfic for the writer, or is it an independent work of the reader? -

  • [info]toujours_nigel: LGBTFest thoughts - It was a big deal, the way Willow was this amazing person to me, because she was a geek, and she read, and she was a witch, and she had a girlfriend. It was a big fucking deal, because seven, eight, ten years ago, when I was groping towards a knowledge of myself, there were no role-models, there were no Bollywood movies that included queer characters, not even just for a laugh, and I wasn't old enough to read queer literature, not yet, not then. -

  • [ profile] caithyra: Mary Sue, Black Holes and Me - One of the problems with Mary Sue is that it's a term that's been watered down and evolves beyond it's real meaning. In fact, now you're hard-pressed to find a female character which haven't been called a Mary Sue.//So I started using a new term, and since I disliked how gendered Mary Sue was, I started to use a term that has no gender: Black Hole.//A Black Hole used to be a Star, like many OCs. However, this star gained so much mass that it collapsed into itself, and then started to suck in the rest of the world and bend space around its own gravitation. -
    (tags: marysue hp)

  • [ profile] naraht: [in writingthewall] RPF/RPS - Does anyone have any thoughts on the way that the distinction between the terms "RPF" and "RPS" plays out in the fandom? -

  • [ profile] wintercreek: Moving "towards," as well as moving "away" - I see there's at least one person looking a list of fanfiction-friendly authors and source creators to support; I always think it makes more sense to work for the people doing what you want to support rather than against the people doing things you disapprove of. After all, if you're only against, your victory is defined as a vacuum, isn't it? -

  • [ profile] nestra: (delle, sorry in advance. You're probab - Lots of fanfic is bad. I agree. So is lots of published fiction! 'Cause dude, this one time I read a James Patterson book (don't judge me, I didn't know any better), and the kids developed wings? I don't even remember. Anyway, it was terrible. I think James Patterson should be suppressed on purely aesthetic grounds. -

  • [ profile] aria: living in a den of thieves - I'm pretty sure that ye olde fandom circles have already covered all the ways that she is Wrong On The Internet -- everything from the flawed analogy of the creepy neighbor to her misinformed understanding of copyright law to the heinous tone of having the moral high ground for being Published For Reals and not writing any filthy, aesthetically displeasing fanwork -- but the point that made me tremble with rage was the assumption that fanfic is practice, that being Published For Monies is the only way to be a Legit Writer, and that if we're writing other people's characters we're just too lazy/uncreative/what-have-you to make up our own. -

  • [ profile] kitewithfish: On Fanfiction, Authorial Disapproval, and Respect - I've read Outlander. It was fun. It was enjoyable and I might have continued the series. There are authors I read that don't like fanfic of their work, and make that known, and I can respect that and continue to enjoy their works. (George RR Martin comes to mind.) However, there are ways to be respectful towards fans when making your dislike of fanfiction known, and I do not think that you behaved respectfully towards your fic-author fans in this post, and that is going to color my attitude towards your work in the future. -

  • [ profile] facetofcathy: Why I write fic... - Ms. Gabaldon is being called a hypocrite for castigating fandom for its porn while writing sexually explicit fiction herself. But you see, her sex was approved by her corporate overlords, and she knew when she was writing it what she was allowed to write about and what she was not. Her porn has the publisher's stamp of approval while what fandom writes is unfettered by any higher authority. I rather expect that scares her a little, and I expect she doesn't think her porn is the same as our porn at all. -

  • [info]dwg: Things I learned about the Dark Side: it has cookies, girls, and fanfiction. - Fanfic is going to happen, regardless of the author's stance. Most of fandom will understand that okay, the author is anti-fanfic, and will remain vigilant to make sure that the occasional crazy doesn't tell the author/actor/musician about it because that just ruins everyone's fun in the sandbox. So, rather than shaking a finger and wankily screeching about your beloved characters being sullied by amateurs, either take control of the situation (as per Jim Butcher and Mercedes Lackey), or find a way to politely say "my silence has been taken as an implication that I'm all right with fanfiction -- sorry, but I'm not. Please don't tell me about it." -

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