metafandom's Journal


2nd May 2010

9:09am: Saturday, May 1, 2010

  • heartequals: How does one go about changing their int - How does one go about changing their internet name? -

  • [info]anivad: i want my creative freedom - My creative freedom. I want it. I want to be allowed to write whatever idea pops into my head. I want to be allowed to ship Neo with a cactus if I feel like it, or write about Milo Ventimiglia fanboying over Keanu and being pushed into his pool, or create unauthorised Moon sequels with [info]kleenexwoman that delve into the world of Sams and their GERTYs. And writers around the world have been doing this since the dawn of writing, and just because they didn't have the visibility of the Internet then shouldn't make it more wrong now that we do. Mass media and pop culture is our culture, and we should be allowed to mess with it as much as we frakking want to. -
    (tags: fanfic rpf)
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