metafandom's Journal


25th April 2010

8:38pm: Sunday, April 25, 2010

  • [ profile] girlpearl: How to be an ally: or not. - You see, when we say, "Oh my god, I cannot believe you said that racist/sexist/homophobic/ablist/etc. thing," we're not saying, "Oh my god, you irredeemable racist/sexist/homophobic/ablist/etc. waste of humanity, get the hell away from me forever." We're saying "What you said was wrong, and hurtful, and what you say matters to me."* -

  • [ profile] brownbetty: Who can fathom the ways of genficcers? - Inasmuch as fandom can be said to split itself into shippers and gen-fen (and it can't, it's a ridiculous division, but bear with me a second) I tend to think of myself as a gen writer. This, of course, isn't true, I ship plenty, but I do perhaps write a little more gen-fic than some of my friends (and less than others). (People are free to tell me whether they think of me as a gen-ficcer in the comments.) I am drawn to the gen side of the force.Which is why it is strange that very rarely does fic baffle me as gen does. -
    (tags: gen fanfic)

  • thoracopagus: [meta] Mary Sue as shorthand for bad writing - What I dislike about this debate, and about the term Mary Sue in general, is that it has become fandom shorthand for amateur writing. When people create female characters, we hold those characters against a test of tropes. Hell, we created a list of tropes to judge these female characters against. What we've done, at the end of the day, is taken all the poor writing choices of the author and summed them up by dismissing their female character. And that is pretty shady. -
    (tags: marysue)

  • hollow-echos: Like Tumbleweeds through the Town - But for some reason, the WHOLE fandom seems to begin its decline after a show going off the air, not just certain aspects. It seems to me that it boils down to this, we were brought together by a show we loved, we squeed together as we saw our characters grow, we watched them challenged and hurt, and then we saw them overcome this adversity. We discuss the morals of our characters and episodes in general or how we think the producers are handling the direction of the show. And when our common tie is snuffed out, we begin to disperse. -
    (tags: fandom canon sga)

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