metafandom's Journal


19th April 2010

11:10am: Sunday, April 18, 2010

  • kimboosan: Dear Mary Sue Wankfest: Define Your Terms, or STFUThe result is that they aren't talking about ANYTHING because they don't really know what they are talking about. You have an opinion, and I respect that, but the reason my opinion is different from yours is not because one of us is right and the other wrong, but because we are not discussing the same issue at all.

    Yes, valid points can be raised, and objective observations made, about the topic in general. But claiming to be "pro-Mary Sue" or "anti-Mary Sue" is absolutely pointless and without value unless you attach an accompanying footnote stating what the fuck you mean by that.

  • googlebrat: Talkin' About Mary-Sues -- sometimes it isn't about writing - I wonder if, when you go in, and do that "try to match what others are writing to be good" you lose that confessing streak. And if you do, is it better for the writing? More importantly, is it better for the person writing it? -

  • antumbral: dear lj: plz to stop being dicks, kthx - All of this is extremely sketchy on LJ's part. It's terrible policy to go modifying your users content (and altering links is modifying content) without telling them you're doing it, and while trying your best to hide the fact that you're doing it. It's even worse to make that policy, screw it up, take the script down, then go right back to your old tricks. Ugh, LJ, I am disappoint. -
    (tags: lj)

  • hollow_echos: On letting real life friends/family read your fics: Are you out to your real life friends? - To me, there is a solid line between my fandom involvement and my mundane life. If someone isn’t in the fandom, they are not in a place or a mindset where they can understand what I do and why I do it in a non-judgmental way. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • londonkds: Buffy S8, canon Sues, and the impossibility of socialism under Campbell: or Protagonist Privilege - So if you want to stand up for progressive ideals in drama: don't just attack explicit right politics or racism or sexism or heteronormativity or class prejudice. The underlying enemy in fiction is Protagonist Privilege. Stand up for the rights of sidekicks, desk-banging bosses who have a point, people who point out that the hero managed to burn down most of their town while saving them, morally ambiguous characters, and good people who don't like the hero. And demand actual ensemble dramas instead of dramas where everybody else is a prop in the protagonist's psychodrama. -
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