metafandom's Journal


20th March 2010

12:49am: Friday, March 19, 2010

  • janni: On Jewish --and other -- fantasy stories - And even Narnia is not Christian because Christ more or less shows up on stage. It's Christian because of its notions of how one lives a worthy life, how wrongdoing can or can't be redeemed, and what the rewards and punishments are for living or not living life properly. Aslan doesn't make Narnia Christian. It's how Lewis uses that lion and his world that makes it so. -

  • m_dono: Should Fanmade Items Be Illegal? - You’re making money, okay. You’ve created the items by yourself, okay. But, the characters used (i.e. a bookmark or fancomic/doujinshi with the movie character on it), are not yours. I’m very sure that a lot of fans do not have direct contact or relations to the creator and company so I’m guessing a lot of the money they earn don’t go to said creator and company. Doesn’t that mean that they’re stealing money that should rightfully be earned by someone else? Thus I’ve made this discussion to hear everyone’s opinion on the matter. -

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