metafandom's Journal


4th March 2010

1:41am: Wednesday, March 3, 2010

  • lian: more meta light. - I deliberately chose the lingua franca for the wider audience it affords me, so I know where you're coming from. And yet, I've slowly come around to the realization that there is immense value in writing in your mother tongue. I deliberately don't want to look at it from the identity angle, but -- I find a sure-footedness in my native language, and an intimacy that is sometimes shocking. -

  • phoebe_zeitgeist: some poll results - The takeaway, then, is that if responses here are indicative of the feelings and actions of the broader community, a strikingly large part of the community has drawn back from public participation in reaction to these discussions, how they've been conducted, and the implicit rules of discourse that have grown up around them. -

  • zvi: [in podficmeta] Go! Tell it on the mountain! - Why do you like listening to it, why do you like making it, why do you like manipulating it (if you make covers or podbooks or work on one of the archives), why do you like teaching other people to do it, why do you like discussing it here? -
    (tags: podfic fanac)
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