metafandom's Journal


23rd February 2010

11:46am: Monday, February 22, 2010

  • v_angelique: Meta: On Incorporating Lifestyle D/s in Fanfiction for a Mixed Audience - Kink isn't just an unrealistic sexual fantasy world that we necessary "turn off" once the characters climb out of bed, and readers don't necessarily want us to. Some readers might -- and this is one point where the fact that I write a lot of RPF probably matters, because one of the points made in that post linked is that readers tend to be uncomfortable with delving outside the realm of canon. -
    (tags: kink rpf fanfic)

  • mllesays: Media consumption meta - Basically, if we can agree that talking about stories from a literary theory and historical and cultural context standpoint removes those stories from the basic everyday enjoyment that most consumers like to experience, then what application does theory have? -
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