metafandom's Journal


20th February 2010

9:21pm: Saturday, February 20, 2010

  • [info]arachnekallisti: On Writing Horrible Human Beings - It's fine line. You don't want to present their opinions too uncritically, and you don't want to make excuses for them, but at the same time you don't want to patronise your audience by making all the characters you don't agree with into puppy-kicking caricatures. -

  • [info]bexless: dour - You can't tell them, "Hey, this thing you're doing is hurting me, let's talk about it." All you have is the idea of them. All you have is your hero, and when they seem determined to climb down off their pedestal and turn their back on the things you want them to believe in, well. Call it entitlement if you want: all I know is, it really hurts. -

  • [info]cruiscin_lan: Using Polls for Feedback on Fic - many readers are just more comfortable leaving feedback via polls than they are leaving comments. -
    (tags: feedback poll)
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