metafandom's Journal


3rd February 2010

11:47am: Missed Links for Monday, February 1, 2010

  • poisontaster: I Have Questions! You Have Answers? - Do you always blame the typos on bad editing? [POLL] -

  • elf: So-called self-identified bi women - We don't have clear simple labels for "male who only wants intercourse with females, but gets hot as hell seeing guys in corsets and is happy to kiss them and do a bit of fondling." Don't have labels for "girls who like to kiss girls and cuddle with them and have never had spark & opportunity to find out if they'd like more/other than that." -

  • sailorptah: I've genderswapped a canon!male just to draw her in a man's suit. Where does that fit in? - I mean, as far as I'm concerned, swapping a character's sex or gender in either direction is awesome, and is all part of the bigger constellation of Sex/Gender/Gender Expression Are Not Fixed, Let Us Celebrate That. And while I can see people objecting to sticky patterns of bias, the one that seems to be universally complained about has absolutely nothing to do with my experience. -

  • [info]merricatk: Why linkspam is an unsafe place for writers. - The comment told me that my post had been included in linkspam. Cool, I thought, and went over to take a look. // What I found was that [Warning: derailing] had been affixed to the front of my the excerpt to my post. Somehow, by minding my own business, writing in my own LJ, I was derailing the debate they were archiving. -
    (tags: fandom modding)

  • [info]garrideb: Not Shipping Shawn/Juliet Doesn't Make Me A Bad Feminist. - There are standard reasons for not liking canon het pairings, and these reasons are getting labeled as excuses for simply not wanting to write mm/mf due to internalized misogyny and feeling that the woman is 'not good enough' for the leading man. I'm sure this is true for some fen, but it is not my experience and I hate to see valid reasons being dismissed. -

  • [info]ithiliana: The stories we tell about...the stories we tell - The early postings in any current manifestation of the imbroglio (more about this later) often start out with fairly clearly drawn lines (which could be called "us vs. them" in many cases), but the more people read, think, and post, the more those lines are blurred, scuffed, messed up, and debated. In the process, there are individuals who can be foolish (as noted in the Fanlore entry!), individuals who fail in various ways, and also individuals who break my heart with their breathtakingly beautiful stories and ideas. -

  • [info]cidercupcakes: There's nothing better on a snowy Saturday night than curling up with a hot cup of tl;dr. - Here is what confuses me, though -- is "my flist might not be interested" really that huge a stumbling block for, you know, talking about fandom? I mean, I can understand it if, say, your flist is mostly people from your offline life, who might be bemused at best by your desire to talk about how Character X and Character Y from Movie Z are TOTALLY IN LOVE, but when your flist is largely people from my flist just inordinately cool, that if I'm yammering about something they don't give a shit about, they'll just scroll past, or just get excited because I'm excited? -
    (tags: fandom)
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