metafandom's Journal


29th January 2010

9:26pm: Friday, January 29, 2010

  • bodlon: More thoughts about hot man-on-man action - Fandom and the slash community are not a "women's space." That's ridiculous. It may be a space where the population skews heavily female, and where the men involved sometimes struggle to be acknowledged (pet peeve: things which should be inclusive that start with the word "fangirls"), but fandom isn't the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. I can't speak for all the men I know who write slash, but I've certainly never been made to feel unwelcome or like a guest instead of a full participant when I do get involved. -

  • melusina: I know this much is true - There's a great deal of value in examining fanfic and fandom culture for conscious and unconscious stereotyping, oppression and erasure, but I don't think there's any value in sweeping generalizations that don't recognize the diversity of fandom and fannish experiences (or for that matter, the diversity of real life experiences!). -

  • fairestcat: *rages* - I'm open and sometimes confrontationally out in both my online and offline life, but in terms of active interaction, slash fandom is my primary lgbt community. And that community is no less real or important than the mainstream queer community, or femslash fandom, or any of the dozens of other ways we have for finding and connecting with each other. This is my lgbt community, and I reject your claims that it is "anti-gay" simply because it doesn't look or sound like yours. -
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