metafandom's Journal


26th January 2010

11:49pm: Monday, January 25, 2009

  • such_heights: help, help, I'm being erased! - In the great sprawling land that is the internet, it makes no sense to say "there should be more x!" and mean "there should be less y!". -

  • [info]vamp_ress: A Man's World - Or, my absolute pet peeve in slash fiction: writing a cast of about ten to fifteen male characters and making them all gay. I'm sorry, I'm a big slash fan, but even I need at least a little reality in the stuff I read to find enjoyment in it. I find these types of stories the most problematic in terms of what miera_c is describing, because they seem to totally erase the female perspective from a story pretending the world truly only consists of gay men. -

  • autumnus: About female characters and fandom - Check how many people are even bothering to talk about the topic, the key part of it: the erasure of women in fan work. The het/slash is presented as a consequence/instance of a deeper problem, not as the problem itself. However if slash was not mentioned, would this have even made metafandom? -

  • jesse_the_k: [in access_fandom] Making Space for Wheelchairs and Scooters - There are many elements to making your event wheelchair-accessible. -

  • lightgetsin: So it turns out there are people with disabilities in fandom - You guys, seriously. There are disabled people in fandom. In fandom in particular because internet socializing may be the only kind many people have access to. We are on your friends lists, and we read your comments, and yeah, I'm sure I'm not the only one who can tell when you assume that every person reading you is able-bodied, because that's just what people are, right? -

  • [info]elizah_jane: Everybody's Free (To Be Fannish) - I had occasion recently to link someone to the sunscreen thing and it got me thinking. I'm sure that there are approximately half a billion of these for fandom, but whatever. Here's mine! -

  • [info]carolyn_claire: Okay, now I'm getting annoyed. - Pointing out "negative trends" and then calling any refutation of those supposed trends by the participants "excuses" and refusing to listen isn't a productive way to add value to any discussion and reveals your biases. -

  • [info]musesfool: it's all how you use it - It never fails to amaze me that we place female characters in such an awful catch-22. They can't be perfect, but they can't be flawed! They can't be seen as vulnerable, but they can't be too strong! If they're assertive and confident and good at what they do, they're Mary Sues at least and arrogant bitches at worst, but if they're soft-spoken and meek, they're either doormats or have some secret scheming agenda and only APPEAR to be sweet. -
    (tags: gender fandom)
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