metafandom's Journal


24th January 2010

8:30pm: Sunday, January 24, 2010

  • gabrielleabelle: My Fandom is All Genres - It doesn't have to be slash to be subversive or transgressive. Het writers are subverting up the wazoo. -

  • miera_c: The list of excuses for debunking - OK I want to compile a list of the excuses we hear so often when the subject of female characters & their presence comes up. I figure, if the list of the most commonly used ones is out there with each excuse debunked, it will help them lose their power. -
    (tags: gender fandom)

  • elf: Ethics of commenting - Is it proper to comment (squeefully) on the fic of people you know don't like you? How about people who you suspect don't like you and might rather just forget you exist? -

  • havocthecat: Misogyny is wrong. Who knew? - Just. For crying out loud, people. I'm a woman. Misogyny and people who exhibit inadvertent male privilege is a pretty unavoidable part of my life experience. Is it such a shocker that I might get fed up with it in my hobby and want to talk about how much it sucks? -

  • sixish: [in asexual_fandom] Possibly Ace Characters - What characters have you always wanted to see written as asexual, regardless of how canon portrays them? -

  • copracat: an exercise - And I thought to myself how does that work? Can I bring myself to see the fail in something I love, that I would defend with unreasonable passion, that it would hurt me to admit failed? SGA doesn't count, you see, because it was already hurting me. I wasn't risking anything to criticise it. -

  • cimorene: on feminism & queerness, women and slash, m/m vs female characters - The net result is that if I prefer queerable major characters with other major characters of the same gender in basically mainstream media fandoms, I am mostly engaged by m/m slash. If I prefer female-centric genre stories, I have very few options in current tv and movies, even if I'm willing to go for ones which don't have very active fandoms. If I prefer female-centric media and queerable stories about major characters (which I do), I'm mostly shit out of luck. I can have one at a time, but not both, without wading into the much less easy and engaging waters of small fandoms, inactive fandoms, long-dead fandoms. -

  • jane_elliot: [in epic_rants] My issues with het... - There are a lot of folks out there who refuse to read het. I am not one of them. However, based on the last few het stories I've read (or tried to read) over the last day or to, I'm starting to see why 'het' is gradually becoming a dirty word. -
    (tags: het sexism)

  • paradox_dragon: Queer women, the slash debate, and the question of internalized oppression - So the dynamics of privilege do not make it impossible that queer women can harm queer men through our storytelling. Or that any activity in which queer women participate gets an automatic homophobia-free stamp of approval. Internalized homophobia is so insidious because it is often used by the privileged group to justify its oppressive behavior -

  • mothwing: You can't write in a vacuum - Most writers seem to be writing primarily for entertainment, to explore themselves, and most readers seem to read only for entertainment and escapism purposes, too. This is fine. I do that. I just don't agree with escaping at the cost of other people -

  • laughingrat: Too tired for meta? Surely you jest. - it sort of parallels some shit I said about slash back in the day (back in the day three months ago) about how women* may just be using slash** as a way of exploring sexual relationships*** between partners with equal social status, or at least between partners who have to deal with incredibly little demeaning sexist bullshit, which leaves the writer and reader free to explore, you know, actual love, or power dynamics, or class, or race, or Hawt Smexins, without having the all-pervasive smelly dead-skunk spectre of Patriarchy all up in the mix -
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