metafandom's Journal


7th January 2010

1:41am: Wednesday, January 6, 2010

  • [info]ithiliana: Fandom: The Academic Kiss of Death, OR My Ongoing Meta on OTW - I'm interested in the ongoing surfacing of the anti-academic rants to smear the Organization of Transformative Works. -
    (tags: otw acafen aca)

  • [info]thedeadparrot: Oh, boy, here we go again. - I believe that we should not be ashamed of writing fanfic. Yeah, I write romance. Yeah, I even write porn. Yeah, I did this as a teenage girl. And yeah, I sometimes daydream about characters. None of this should mean that my writing -- our writing -- is automatically worth less than that of some fanboy who daydreams about being Paul Atreides and about things blowing up -
    (tags: fanfic fandom)

  • [info]executrix: Fandom Meta: In this Fight, We Are Dogless - If they said "Print out your story and leave it in a trunk in the Princess Theater in Pocatello, Idaho," I would consider it legitimate to say "I don't want to go to Idaho in this weather" but I wouldn't consider it legitimate to complain about the mods' choice. -

  • [info]executrix: Fandom Meta: Opening the Books on This Thing of Ours - When I have my lawyer hat on, I find it incredibly frustrating to try to reach *any* conclusions about the legal status of derivative works, under US law because of the paucity of case law. -

  • [info]frolicndetour: "Creative" "Process" - So here's a weird question for you, sort of spinning off of concrit debate 100,011 going on right now but not really having much to do with concrit: do you find that certain views of characters or canon bother you more when they're implicit in creative works (ie fic and vids) than they would if they were directly stated in a meta post? -

  • [info]rositamia: canon - I loooove seeing someone be in love. It's not enough to just tell me so-and-so is in love, they have to show me to make me believe it. -

  • [info]damned_colonial: Why I slash, by D. Colonial aged 34 3/4. - I like seeing gay movies, they are awesome... but it's the "straight" movies with gay characters (overt or otherwise) that excite me. The moment of "Is s/he... oh yes! s/he is! YAY!" Going through the process of spotting a gay character, figuring out what the tells are, etc. Especially if I can figure it out ahead of the other characters in the movie/whatever.//...So here's why I like slash: slash gives me more of those moments. When I wear the slash goggles, I get a more regular hit of my "is s/he? YAY!" drug. -

  • [info]branchandroot: The difference between manga and comicsI agree that fuzzy Orientalism is the most regrettably common way Western fans of similar media from different national/ethnic groups (eg comics and manga) express their differentiation. That particular expression is generally a lot of hot air, yes.

    But I also think there are real fan-culture differences, touching on though not always rising directly from the mother-culture differences of the sources. This is my attempt to articulate the ones that I've seen.
7:46pm: Thursday, January 7, 2010

  • wistfuljane: A Rant In Non-Linear Form - I think for many people who scoffs at fans for being angry at translators and publishers for not keeping cultural conventions such as names and honorifics, they do not understand the personal issue rooted here.//It's an issue of cultural appropriation, yes.//But for me, it's more a matter of losing an identity and being redefined. -

  • [info]neo_prodigy: [in noscans_daily] Your Recommendations: LGBT Edition - What excellent comic book series/graphic novel featuring LGBTs would you recommend? Which series and/or storytellers are doing it right? -
    (tags: comics glbt)

  • twistedchick: a question re warnings in AO3 - If a character death is onscreen, the question is obvious. If it's not? If the rape scene is merely alluded to and discussed, not shown in graphic and upsetting detail, does it deserve a warning? -
    (tags: ao3 warnings)

  • happydork: Comment to hit count ratio on stories - I've been thinking recently about hit counts on a story vs the number of the comments the story gets. -

  • [info]rheasilvia: Story titles and I: A dysfunctional love story. - I myself am chronically title-impaired. It's exceedingly rare for me to know what a story will be called — almost always, when I finish a story, I am completely clueless as to what it should be called. I currently have two big writing projects, over half a dozen small ones, and no titles whatsoever. How about you? What are your favorite titles — not just of your own stories, but in general? How and where do you find titles? Do they come easily to you, or do you seek them out actively in some way? -
    (tags: writing titles)

  • phoebe_zeitgeist: Some reasons why I didn't link a post to metafandom, by me, Phoebe - As a compiler, and more specifically as a compiler who from time to time uses her discretion to not link something that's been submitted, I thought it might be useful to try to explain a little of what I'm looking for when I evaluate something for metafandom. What follows, I want to emphasize, is in no way an official statement -- I'm not speaking here for [community profile] metafandom as a whole, nor for any of the other individual compilers. It's just my own approach, although of course that approach is informed by the comm's rules and goals. -

  • [info]sparkindarkness: It's only fiction! - I repeat again that, no, I don't think straight people should stop writing with GBLT fiction. They should write it - just as I think white people should write about POC. I will never ever say that people should only write about people like them. But there is a huge world of difference between writing the other well (or trying to) and using, appropriating and stereotyping the other. -

  • [info]kill_claudio: 1952 called. They want their clichés back. - there's still a bit of a battle in my mind between the authorial instincts that worry about making the characters consistent with their backgrounds and personalities, and the feminist instincts that don't want to let these attitudes go unchallenged. -

  • [info]rockeandroll: RPF and keeping boundaries - So there has been some discussion about this compartmentalising thing, and how you keep your distance, and from the writing point of view, what counts as 'canon', and when 'researching canon for your fic' just becomes being nosy and overinquisitive about someone's private life. -

  • [info]puella_nerdii: porn/meta is my OTP, or: why there are so many queer people in my head - On the other hand, a lot of these fics place sexuality at the center of the story in a way that makes me a little uncomfortable, because even if the story ultimately decides that it's okay to be gay (or if the characters conclude that they love each other and that gender doesn't matter -- or invoke some version of the "we're not gay, we just love each other" clause), it others queerness within the context of the story in a way that often feels a little like a slap in the face to me. -

  • [info]furiosity: the freeway's heading south - I think it's important to remind ourselves every once in a while that our experience of fandom does not in fact equal that of every other fan out there, and just because we feel our corner of fandom is the bestest doesn't mean it's cool to disregard fen from other corners, especially not if we belittle them for not being fannish in the same way as we are. -
    (tags: culture fandom)
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