metafandom's Journal


5th January 2010

1:07am: Monday, January 4, 2010

  • cereta: 307th verse, same as the first - if you're only excuse for not putting your internet identity next to something is that it's "just" an internet identity, you are so full of shit that said shit is coming out of your ears and staining the carpet. Names matter. In fact, they matter more online precisely because all we have to know each other by is a accumulation of words, behavior, and creations. -
    (tags: pseudonymity)

  • astolat: About the AO3 and the yuletide move - IMO, the only way to persuade people who are still leery of the org is not by lecturing or yelling at them, but with a few more years of the OTW just hanging out in a corner of fandom, building awesome stuff and not doing anything awful. -

  • kahtyasofia: Why I Love AO3 - I read about people whining and I have to wonder if they're on the same archive I am -
    (tags: ao3 archiving)

  • r_becca: comment stats - Compared to last year's comment statistics, it's interesting to note that the numbers in the first two weeks are up slightly -- about 2 or 3 comments per entry -- but that comment fatigue this year did not seem to kick in until the fourth week this year. Average comments on all posts are up by 3 comments per entry, but the biggest difference is on the art posts -- an increase of over 12 comments per piece! -

  • dark_administrator: [in dark_agenda] Post-reveal discussion - now that authors are revealed, how did your participation in the Dark Agenda Challenge go?
    What thoughts do you have about it?
    How did it change your yuletide experience?
    (tags: yuletide race)

  • schemingreader: not bad enough - In general I think the place of critical comment is in beta-reading email. I don't want criticism from random readers. I want to pick people who write well, or whose opinion I trust for other reasons. -
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