metafandom's Journal


25th December 2009

7:19pm: Friday, December 25, 2009

  • [info]scratchingpost1: Thoughts on writing - Now, I think my methods are changing. I really think a major reason is that at this time last year I had a great idea for a story, but I never had time to sit down and write. So I started just taking notes in my head. -
    (tags: writing)

  • mieronna: Archive of our own - It always seemed to me that fanart was somewhat outside the mainstream of the fandom. Certainly liked and welcomed (in most cases) and it never lacked for squee - but still always an afterthought. -

  • ithiliana: Fandom Discoures, Cycles, Communities, and More - But no matter what context the "golden age" argument appears in (Golden Age: "It used to be so much better back when...."), I doubt it. My hackles go up. The idea that there was some golden age of fandom meta that was ruined by X (in this case, according to some, X being social justice posts) just blows. -
    (tags: meta fandom)

  • ithiliana: By the Numbers, Part I, or, Golden Age, What Golden Age? - I'm an English prof, not a statistician (but I do know that correlation is not causation), and I thought, well, has anybody even looked at the numbers? And even if they are posting less stuff or less stuff people want to read, I noticed that it soon becomes this conspiracy theory (those evil evil mods, or those cliqueish mods, or those fossilized mods), instead of people thinking, well everybody is busy, and why don't I volunteer to help out if I like meta so much. -

  • ithiliana: Numbers Part 2: Topics - But if white people are perceiving a flood/outpouring/drowning out of their "self reflective fandom centered whites only" may be linked to the same sort of perception issue. -

  • sqbr: The Oppressor as hero - The Kyriarchy says that white straight able-bodied upper/middle class men are natural leaders and better than everyone at everything. So having a story where such a character joins a group of non-white/GLBT/disabled/lower class etc characters and immediately proves himself better than them all at everything and their natural leader, not to mention having their POV the only one worth seeing the story not so anti-oppressive a message in my book. -
    (tags: race)
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