metafandom's Journal


18th October 2009

7:45am: Saturday, October 17, 2009

  • [info]xparrot: On character hate, villains, and literary tropes - A basher who casts a female character as the evil obstacle in a slash pairing isn't necessarily doing it because they want to make people hate the character, or even because that's actually how they view the character; it's because it's how they want to view the character, what is the most emotionally satisfying way to see them, properly fulfilling their role as villainness. -

  • [info]accioslash: Poll... - I was talking with several different people about recs and have noticed that there seems to be a change in the way people rec these days. -
    (tags: recs poll)

  • twistedchick: thoughts on a common language - I think that as writers we need to be aware of the jargons we're using, when we're using them, and whether they're appropriate to the character and the situation. And it wouldn't be a bad idea if, as participants in an online community, we could be a little more aware that not everyone is working with the same jargon within a given discussion, or the same connotations of words, or the same background in understanding a topic. -

  • [info]puella_nerdii: Saying Yes: I Want Your Opinions! - I want more stories and art where being the submissive partner during sex is FUN and not demeaning. I want more stories and art where characters shout "Yes!" instead of "No!" I want more stories and art where characters get up to all kinds of kinky crazy fun, and are never made to feel shamed for their desires. -
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