metafandom's Journal


25th September 2009

10:01pm: Friday, September 25, 2009

  • jane_elliot (in epic_rants): Whumpage Meta - Most whump fic is just like most teenage suicide fantasies: emotionally overwrought, featuring a main character who is totally right but terribly misunderstood, and who gains his validation through horrible trauma that makes everyone realize what a wonderful person he is. Thus a happy ending all around! -
    (tags: fanfic mag7 trope)

  • elf: Meta: Chapters vs. long oneshots - Fortunately, there are some software tools to fix the chapter problems.// I'd rather pause my reading when I'm ready to, not necessarily when the author thinks I should. -

  • sam80853: How to become a... - ...successful mod? // How does one keep a com alive, and how to animate people to participate? -
    (tags: modding LJ)
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