metafandom's Journal


20th September 2009

9:34pm: Sunday, September 20, 2009

  • jazzypom: Fandom, its kicking, sparkly pony and the right of reasonable protest - The whole notion of memes, and the right to have protest. As it stands, there's no right of protest, because it doesn't fit into the fandom convention of the "free for all" and *unlimited non judgemental squee* with such memes. So, although I want to participate, to enjoy, I don't want to be inadvertently giving my consent to a meme, or a fandom squee that celebrates any form of fail. -

  • [info]glockgal: Yuletart: What is fanart? - It's just another example of how in fandom the two fanwork biggies are Fanfics and Fanart - but the fanart umbrella stretches wide and is very nebulous. In [info]yuletart a lot of discussion was needed for us to define what constitutes as acceptable fanart for the fest. -

    (tags: fanart fests)

  • selenak | Best Friends For... a rather limited time-span? (Spoilers for West Wing, BtVS, AtS and DS9) - What do you do, oh flist? When characters are portrayed as good friends in canon (doesn't matter whether or not you also ship them in a romantic sense or see the relationship as platonic or the family type of bond; there just has to be an on screen closeness that awoke your interest), and then these characters cease to have scenes together, and don't reference each other in dialogue anymore, either. Do you go the denial route - "they're still friends, we just don't see a lot of scenes"/"they're still friends, I reject on screen canon" - or do you accomodate for the changed on screen circumstances in your perception of the relationship(s)? -

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